I’m having a really hard time with withdrawal

I’m having a really hard time with withdrawal and didn’t j is if there are any suggestions? I get shaky and like crap and need a drink to make it go away

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Hang in there! Just keep saying no and you will make it!


If you’re suffering from physical symptoms of alcohol withdrawal which seems to be the case, the best thing you can do is check into a detox center. Even just for a day or two. It’s dangerous to go cold turkey on your own, however I’ve done it and am fine I still wouldn’t recommend

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Withdrawal is the worst I’ve been doing this dance for a long time, tried everything subs, zannys, kratom it’s all terrible just got hooked on all them and dragged it out 5 years go to detox and find a safe place to heal try not to struggle, good luck to you

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Sorry to hear you are having a hard time. Drink a ton of water. If you start to get palpitations, or hallucinations call s squad immediately

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You can try to step down slowly. Or detox. If the night sweats get really bad, detox is best

I’ve cut back quite a bit and in a slow manor, i don’t have the night sweats anymore! The first week was really hard and it scared me but it’s actually becoming better and more manageable. Hopefully I can steam through

Reach out for support to help you through the process

How long have you been drinking? How heavy is your alcohol use? You may need to detox safely in a hospital so you don’t have a seizure. I get a racing heartbeat and the shakes when I detoxed and they wanted me in the hospital for my own safety.

A sauna can be one of the safest and most effective methods for inducing a detoxifying sweat. In sauna detox, your body sweats out numerous toxins, including dead skin cells, oils, dirt, bacteria, and other toxic substances through pores.

Worth a shot and from experience, it helped me tremendously!
You're gonna get thru this, Sarah😊