I’m honestly not to sure what I’m doing anymore

I’m struggling in my journey in sobriety. I been in and going to NA for almost a year now, I just had 6 months clean time. A few months ago I relapsed. I lost my sponsor because I didn’t take in his suggestions, I worked the 12 steps and I finished. I started to do speaking and detox’s. But this time around I just can’t stay sober. I realized the first round I got sober because I did my sobriety for someone else and not myself. But I’m to scared to put my feet back into it.


I would say revisit the 12 steps. You say here that you finished them🤔. I remember when I worked all 12 and “finished” them. I was ok for a while but at the first serious life problem, I was back to drinking/using.

The 12 steps are the basis for “a manner of living”. We live the steps to the best of our ability one day at a time. There is no finish line.

Bottom line is if you did the steps and picked up again the you weren’t working the steps because in picking up you forgot step 1.


It’s a progressive disease. Keep trying


Thank you

Yea that is true, step 1 we are powerless over our disease


Correct, so if I pick up then I must think I can control it. Or that it will be different this time. Sounds like that’s not the case. I know it wasn’t for me. I was still powerless. And my life became unmanageable.

First paragraph of chapter 3 in A.A. Big Book. Page 30, check it out.

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Step 2 is importance to, coming to believe a power greater than yourself will restore your sanity..find something, whatever that might be, could be god. I’m my early days with some of my sponsees. It was a happy meal toy. It just has to mean a lot to you, you’re doing it for you!


First you never stop working and applying the steps in your life and you take the suggestions that you sponsor says my sponsor told me like this that that suggestions are just that just like it's suggested that I pull the rip cord on a parachute after I jump out of a plane


One day at a time


Okay yea I will thank you!

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Thank you yea I’ll keep that in mind and I’ll try to find or see something to believe as a higher power

That is true, you should pull the cord but, you don’t have to