I’m in active addiction. I want to be completely sober

I’m in active addiction. I want to be completely sober 100% I can stay sober for weeks but always find myself turning to this one drug once I let my guard down & get comfortable in life. I do not cope correctly. I’ve got a lot of trauma as an adolescent. I’m trying to better myself for me & my family. Any input would be lovely!

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I've been in therapy more years than I haven't and am still a chronic relapser as they say but I find self help books, quote books, journals and all of the things to help me deal and process trauma. I still wanna use, but I don't. And I have my own tools for that as well. But if therapy isn't an option then I'd say try finding a less conventional coping skill.


Hi, Anthony. I definitely recommend therapy. You may want to consult with an addiction counselor.

Know that you can beat addiction.

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I am never sober this year for more than a few days. I am worth it, u r two. God will help us we just need to keep praying

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You are worth it. No matter how it feels. Remember where standards go. We rely on using out of misplaced standards. My ability to sleep was found in a small orange bottle- which went with my sanity, my wakeness, my functionality, my everyday life. If i wasnt performing well in my day that standard was not on me, I put it on the drug.

Put your standards in the right place and take it a day at a time. Small goals are great. I celebrated getting to my desk from bed for the first time on a weekend after using when I started getting sober. Be proud of what you couldn’t do yesterday. You are strong, you matter!

People who get into a 12 step program, attend meetings everyday, get a sponsor and take the steps, stay sober 100%.

Also, before you decide to pick up the drug, try playing the scene all the way through and ask yourself some questions. It's going to make you feel good for the moment. But then you will be right back where you started from. It's called the Insidious cycle of insanity. Sometimes we have to walk through the pain in order for it to get better. I don't know what your drug of choice is but whatever it is I'm sure that you can join a local gym for the cost of that drug. Fitness reduces stress.

And for God's sake, pick up that 1,000 pound phone and call someone in a 12 Step program everyday. Especially when you are ready to pick up your drug of choice. Call call call!! People seem to have trouble picking up the phone for some dumb reason. Especially us guys. I've never understood that


Keep busy! Get a new hobby!!! Years ago I was and still fight the good fight in your delima. I bought a book on How to make Adirondack furniture. Living in upstate New York , this is a hot seller. I converted my cellar into a factory and have made $$. And kept my mind off of alcohol


Great advice! Hobby sounds great!

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Find all the good you have. It outweighs the bad. You are a great person!

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I always relapse n get up once again. God blessed me the chance for another day. Day.

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