I’m missing my family wife and kids mainly . This

I’m missing my family wife and kids mainly . This addiction has caused me to lose them. I’m being praying for spiritual healing and God to strengthen me


I can imagine, loneliness and loss must be difficult to cope with.

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Whether you're struggling with alcohol or other drugs, the good news is that you never have to do either again if you take the 12 steps. And you can get your family back.

It's 10 mi into the woods and 10 Mi back out.

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Loneliness and a loss of family is hard I’m going through the same thing with one of my daughters, and I have no idea why she is not speaking to me. We used to be very close.!!! Just don’t let it get to you… to the point you want to drink or go use drugs to fill that void. I think this is the hardest part of getting clean and sober is the fear and dealing with something sober like losing a close family member such as your kids that ducking sucks…. Stay Strong :muscle::pray:t2::muscle::star_struck:

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Thank u so much :blush:. In time we will both be reunited with our families stay positive :pray:t6: