I’m not sure how much longer I can fight this

I’m not sure how much longer I can fight this erg-to drink


David don't do it .. it too shall pass. Jist went thru this 3 hours ago.. im in bed now sober .. you will feel so much better in the am and refreshed .. Im here if u need to chat


You can do it. Don’t think so much about it just think of us and think you don’t actually want it you just think you do. I’m in the same


Aristotle said we are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act but a habit. Fight those urges until it becomes habit.


Well said

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Trudge the road to happy destiny


Don't give up just before the minimal happens


Don’t drink.

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You can do it! Here to chat if you ever need to!

It’s when you stop fighting anything and everything is when you will find peace.


Just for today is one of the most important things to keep in mind and work on !
If you’re not sure how long you can fight so you’re definitely doing great because if you think its over you are actually in danger ! So by telling this out loud you’re on the right track
I love you man and i wish you the best !!



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Minute to Minute even second by second stay strong

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You got this

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It's not like I am doing so well. 🤷 totally overwhelmed by everything in my life but I drag myself up each day and give it my best shot.

Its not easy..its scary..I feel your pain man...what do we do...call someone? Run away? Its soooo hard

Hope you're safe. Praying for you.

Start at step 1 again. You’re powerless over alcohol. Ask God to help you just for today.

I am sorry about that but have you made up your mind ?