I’m not sure what

To do I’m so depressed and full of anxiety. I’m scared I’m losing it all and going crazy. I can’t pretend that I’m so very tired and I’m sure I’m losing my best friend


Kathy, you’re not alone. How long have you been sober?

Just started today’s my first day more or less

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Have you tried to see a therapist or psychiatrist? That is what helped me with my depression and anxiety. 


Every day of sobriety is a wonderful gift! Enjoy! Wishing you happiness!!

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We are here to listen

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Kathy, know that you will get through this riff patch and be so glad you got clean & sober.
I highly suggest you go to meetings daily, get a sponsor and do the 12 steps. These ACTIONS make it much easier.
I sponsor too

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So sorry. Keep reaching out. The interaction and support helps the anxiety and depression. Get outside and breath


My experience is the anxiety starts to lessen the more sober time you get under your belt. It can be overwhelming at first but if you do it with other sober people you are more likely to stay sober. This life is soooo much better


I’m doing my best to not give up on this life but I’ve been really struggling

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Never never never give up, stay sober just for today with us :butterfly:🪻:bird:

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Often in early sobriety it’s one hour at a time. Easy does it Kathy WE are all going to be ok​:grinning:. :heart::pray:


Hang in there. It does get better.

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Hello Kathy, I deal with depression too

Have you ever tried box breathing?

I do it every day throughout the day I do it every night before I go to bed. It really works for me.

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I’ve never heard of that tell me more


Box breathing is breathing in and holding the breath in your stomach not your chest. Your chest is where you hold stress.

Slowly, breathe in like you’re breathing into a straw, counting your breath slowly for four seconds while listening to your heartbeat. Then slowly blow out your breath for four seconds while listening to your heartbeat. Then Don’t breathe for four seconds while listening to your heartbeat. Then slowly breathe in again for four seconds while listening to your heartbeat,

Then repeat it. I do it every day and I do it before I go to sleep while I’m laying in the bed.. it really helps me. I pray it helps you.


Every time Troy brings up box breathing, I let out a cheer…I am a huuuuge believer in breathwork…the benefits of so.

I do not do this every day like Troy does…while I really should.

Other resources which have helped me…
Sixteen seconds.
Look up, if you wish to…because this, these may help:

Davidji - 16 seconds.
This gentleman provides numerous guided meditations which may help you.

He has a few short online clips which go into 16 seconds ( breathing with awareness, focus on your breath ).

Another resource that has helped me is emotional freedom technique.

Please consider looking into…
The Tapping Solution.
Developed by Nick Ortner and his siblings.

I wish you nothing but the best.
I deal with loads of anxiety.
Even today, I feel so “wobbly” and anxious.

There are so many resources online to help with anxiety.
We are fortunate to be able to access technology in order to help our own selves.

Please let us know how everything is going for you.
You can do this.
Take this hour by hour if that is what you need to do.

I started with trying to remain sober for ten minutes at a time.
My mind would race.
The anxiety.
This is natural to feel this anxious.
Do not forget to feel proud of yourself for taking this step.
This is huge and you deserve to be sober!

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Very nice words of advice much thanx

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You are welcome,
As you can see from each of the comments…you are not alone.
We are rooting for you!


We are here

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