I’m on a four day bender. I’m ready to stop

I’m on a four day bender. I’m ready to stop but can’t get past day 3.

Hi Olivia, have you considered a rehab facility? I know a lot of us that had similar issues got our start in a rehab. It gives you a good running start at it. There is a treatment locator in the sober help tab here in app. Also if you aren't going to meetings you should try them out as well.


Yes, what Steven said. You may consider contacting AA to obtain a sponsor.


I went to AA and got sober there. I'm certain I should have been in treatment. My family was more concerned with my step sister. She was spoiled. So sad for her. I'm sober and she isn't. She's also miserable. All I can do is be an example.

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It really comes down to the realization that you are powerless and your life is unmanageable. Man I can remember my last drunk and I hated it. I finally said enough is enough! It amazes me it took me this long to surrender. The insidious insanity of thinking it would be different next time lol. Thank you God!!!

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Hey there Olivia: As I was a drug user it was NA for me. I've been clean and sober for 3 years and 5 months and 12 days. It REALLY HELPS me to to look at it in single days (or hours, or even minutes) rather than "3 days..." I say this because if you can get 3 days then YOU CAN GET 3 YEARS. WE just do it a day at a time. Also, I have tons of support too. Oh, and did I mention that it's FREE!!!

PS: Rehab is a great option if you qualify, so make sure you ASK.