I’m on day 3, and I’m struggling with depression more

I’m on day 3, and I’m struggling with depression more than anything else.


Breath ,relax you can do this you got this


Make sure not to isolate yourself. Loneliness is a major contributor to depression. You can do this.


The biggest part of being an alcoholic is the depression it leaves you with. You get stuck in this mode(not mood) that causes you to stay complacent. Alcohol used to be your motivation and gave you confidence (even though you didn't need it) Trapped is your first thought because it leaves you with only one option to break free. YOU.. Your the only person that can free you from this prison. The first step is telling yourself you don't deserve this no matter what you did. Followed by GETTING UP. Stand up and start facing the day head on. Force yourself to do daily tasks that seem to be a struggle now. Wake up, get dressed, make your bed, wash the night off you and brush your teeth, skip coffee because it just makes you jittery, drink more water, focus just on what you can do at the moment and not of the past and future, stay away from social media and tv for a bit, set some goals that you can accomplish in a day such as smiling and being kind, know your worth and believe you deserve the best, learn that being alone is just the healing process, these are just a few I can think of but you get the idea. Finally, clean house and remove everything that sets you back. You will get through this if you put the time in.


Take vitamin D. Use a happy light. Walk at least ten minutes outside everyday. Call a Crisis phone number in your local area. Take vitamin B. Reach out for a therapist and antidepressant medications. Drink lots of water. Talk about it no matter what. Day 3 and your body is trying to fight to create serotonin on its own. Instead from drugs or alcohol. You are exactly where you need to be


We are in the same boat, I’m on day four.


Check in here often


Stay connects to your sober friends and be easy on yourself

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Hang in there! I’m reading alcohol explained by William porter. It is helping me understand the physiological reasons why alcohol makes us depressed. You can read the first 5 chapters free from his website. I agree with what Chris said above, too. Find a podcast on sobriety, try out guided meditations, try something you’ve never tried before. You are already 3 days down a path that will lead to better things. :pray:


Go to a meeting brotha. Or multiple if you can. When I first got sober I went to 3 meetings a day. Talked to people and got numbers. I guarantee people will help you. You just gotta ask brotha. I know it's hard to do but we can't do this alone.


What medication? I was thinking of trying something.

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I went through the same thing. It will get better. Try to stay positive. I know it’s hard. Practice gratitude and give thanks to the things you’re grateful for. Working out helps too.

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Thank you Tommy, I needed this pep talk🙏


Love this :purple_heart:
This is so kind and supportive which is what we all need whether it's day 1, day 100 or day 1,000.
Thank you!!


They taught me in treatment that anxiety comes from living in the future, depression comes from living in the past and peace comes from living in the present with a grateful heart. Man I came off of fentanyl and I was in detox an emotional wreck for 3 weeks, more than I have ever been before in my life. It's all of our regrets, shame and guilt hitting us at once plus the chemicals in our brain going through shock. It will get better, I promise!!! There was a girl that said that to me every day and if she was a guy I'd prob punch him in the face but it really did get better. I saw her at a meeting and thanked her for trying to make me feel better every day even though at the time it didn't seem like I appreciated it lol.

Physical activity is HUGE too! I like how someone above said take a walk, it really does help. Notice different things you never took the time to notice before. It helps you stay in the present. Keep fighting, it is sooooo worth it man!

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It gets better. Whatever you're feeling it's not bad enough to pick up a drink. I don't understand this stuff about depression. Doctors tried to tell me that I was clinically depressed years ago. I started on medication but when I found out that I would temporarily be disqualified for qualifying for my medical card for Aviation, I decided to throw the medication out and I've been fine ever since.

I've never known anybody that got cured by taking medication for depression. What I'm seeing is that for most people the medication works for a while but sooner or later they have to switch to something else and it's like they're chasing the pharmacy around all their lives.


Same boat man, day 3 and this is my 2nd time in rehab for alcohol. Just have this overwhelming feeling of failure and disappointment. Thankfully I didn’t let this last bender cost me anything major, still have my amazing wife, 3 kids, my career, house, cars which one would think what’s there to be depressed about but I just can’t shake it this time. Last time in rehab was WAY different. I saw and felt the light. This time it feels like a lonely black hole. I won’t give up though and will heed some of the amazing advice on this thread. Thanks y’all and stay strong.

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We all need it. I was speaking to myself with hopes of helping someone else too. Glad it worked.

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The saying that rings true to me. Is anything I put before my recovery I will lose