I’m really struggling to stay sober… I’ve been battling a

I’m really struggling to stay sober… I’ve been battling a cocaine addiction for the past year.


I battle cocaine addiction for almost 35.Period and for someone to tell you that cocaine does not have Severe withdrawals.
That is false. I went through it all, but I'm here to tell you today that you will be victorious.I've been clean sober for over a year not even a cigarette. Was it yes, but it's rewarding?
I cannot tell you the freedom I have away from that bondage. You're gonna do it!!! Only one second at a time. We all believe .


Push through sis... keep yourself busy and don't get in your head it's only temporary unless you allow yourself to be consumed with it. <3

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Maybe an off question. I had cocaine before, and I know the effects. What's your need for having cocaine? How can your need be met in a different way?

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I was always a heavy drinker but cocaine is the shite that brought me to my knees. I was fortunate to make it to rehab. When I got out I made my sobriety the number one priority in my life. I attended AA, CA, and NA meetings. I took the suggestions. Made 128 meetings in 90 days, without skipping a day. Got a sponsor. Worked the steps. Currently working on my 36th year of continuous sobriety, one day at a time. I hope you find your way out of the darkness of that awful stuff. I didn’t realize there was a better way to live, but believe me there is. Reach out if I can help.

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such amazing determination.

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When I was in active coke use- for me I had to leave where I was. Literally move house and towns. Not as strong a move as facing it where you are. But sometimes a change of scenery and friend groups/ contacts can help. I see you. :heart:

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Thank you all for your kind words and inspiration! I’ll make it… I know I will… I’m ready, but man is it ever hard!

Honestly, I started using after my dad took his life back in 2018, it helped numb me… now I’m so incredibly addicted (likely to whatever its is cut with, more than the actual substance), that i use everyday. It’s been 2 days, I feel good… I’m hopeful and optimistic, but just last week, I had 4 days… it’s super defeating, as I reached 90 days of sobriety just a few months ago.

Are you working the 12 steps with a sponsor?

I haven’t started as of yet as I feel like I’m not “ready”… I’ve only been sober a few days… that being said, I do have a copy of the big book and have been reading it…