I’m scared of how much and how easily I drink,

I’m scared of how much and how easily I drink, not to mention that it’s constantly on my mind. First thing when I wake up…drink. Before I go to bed…drink. Every moment in between…….I drink. I’m scared and I need help.


Are you open to going to an AA meeting or detox/rehab?

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Talk to your doctor. That’s where I started. He gave me the correct resources to start getting help. AA is also a great place but I would highly recommend seeing a medical professional


I recommend a doctor also


AA will open the door and help shine light on the power of the alcoholic obsession and offer you a life beyond how you are feeling right now!!!! If you are physically dependent ( don't stop on your own!!) impatient rehab will detox you and give you tools to re- enter the world without alcohol or drugs. i had to impatient many times due to extreme physical dependence. i'm now at 4 months sober!!! it works if you work it


Hi, Brandy. You completed the first step: admitting you have a problem. You also admitted you need help. That takes guts. If you can do that, you can be sober. :grin:

Have you considered detox?


Great advice, everyone!

No. I don’t care for AA so I signed up for SMART online meetings since there’s none anywhere close to me but the page is really hard to navigate so I found this app in the meanwhile or as extra guidance and support.


Thank you so much! In all honesty, no I haven’t considered it. I know it’s a cop out but I really am needed at home but obviously I’m needed alive and sober too so I’m testing out my options here.

That is amazing and such a blessing! So happy for you!! I assume it’s physical dependence but probably mental too. I literally never get drunk or even tipsy…and that’s scary to me because I am pretty much drinking all day long.

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I have. He prescribed meds but they didn’t help and I didn’t even decrease the amount I was drinking.

Yes like a fish in water, If you can put a little time away from it , it gets easier, then if you do like i did and lose your time multiple times it get silly but serious

Great first step being here in this community. I had to go to rehab to get sober. Is that an option for you?

If your drinking a lot of alcohol, it’s probably best to go to a detox facility to carefully detox under health care specialist, as we may not know that alcohol can kill you while detoxing. I wasn’t aware of this until I was in treatment with others who had stories about self detoxing. One person went into a coma for six days. My point is it’s not something to take lightly. Seek medical help if you really consume a lot of alcohol per day. Your blood alcohol must be kept up while slowly detoxing or it can be fatal.

May I ask why you don't care for AA? AA saved my life.

There are IOPs that shouldn't interfere with your home life.

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I don’t think so but I’m also afraid that’s the addiction talking.

Yes, that’s exactly one of the main reasons I’m scared! My addiction scares me and quitting scares me because they’re both dangerous if not done correctly…
Makes it harder…as if it isn’t already hard enough :disappointed:

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For me, I have friends and family with ties to AA and other options like Teen Challenge. While both helped and changed the lives of those involved, I didn’t like how AA defined me as an addict who will forever be that, whether sober or not. I liked Teen Challenge’s approach of overcoming the addiction and becoming new…
If that makes sense? Not sure I’m explaining myself how I want to and please know I’m in no way trying to ridicule AA or the amazing work it has and continues to do helping others struggling from addiction. It’s just a personal preference thing I guess.

310-990-4171 call me in the morning before you drink I can help you avoid that first drink, Then what I’ll show you apply it before the next drink and it will prevent you from taking that drink. And so on and on. It’s not hard and works wonders. Sober 15 years myself.