I’m single lonely and recovering by myself

I’m single lonely and recovering by myself. It just sucks


I know. It's nice to share those milestones with someone.

Same boat. You are doing this for you and not for anyone else, remember that!


Don’t jump into a relationship too soon. Keep up the positive forward growth and things will happen as they should and when you are ready. :+1:t2:


Take care of yourself! Keep busy and do something special today!!

Tonight eat your favorite ice cream!!!!

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Ye I feel u Sarah

You don't have to do this alone. That's what support groups are all about. You should go to meetings and meet people. I know where North Olmsted is because I don't live too far from there and I know that there are plenty of meetings all over the place.

And as was stated above, a word from the wise;, stay the heck out of relationships right now until you get some good sobriety underneath your belt.

We have to figure out ourselves before we have anything to offer the opposite sex. Most of us get into relationships because we believe that that's what's going to make us happy. The truth of the matter is we should already be happy. We have to first learn to live life a day at a time without picking up a drink and we simply can't do that in a matter of a few months.


Iv been sober 4 1/2 Years and it can get lonely at times. Especially win all your friends are going to the bar and your staying home. Iv just kind of adjusted my life and I don't miss the drunk party's. It's always the same.

We might feel alone. But I’ve found that we are not alone in this.

Lonely but not alone

Your not alone , we are here with you..

It’s lonely. But the only solution is to work on yourself. And if you’re a co-dependent person, that means you likely don’t on a regular basis. Work the steps, work on yourself.

I’m on half a dozen dating apps with zero results. It is what it is :joy:

Stay single xo

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What did you do special today?

Its the lonely part thats hard to work through. And yes it sucks , hang in there it dose get better

I’ve been in both situations. Battling sobriety in a relationship and alone. They both are difficult in their own ways. But right now you need to focus on you. Date yourself. Trying to start a new relationship early on in this battle would not be good for you, or anyone.

You’re not alone that’s for sure….and I agree, it sucks! They say misery loves company, nice to meet you. :blush:

This is a great time to focus on yourself and your sobriety. Hang in there go to meetings. One day at a time.

I’d go on a date :joy_cat: