I’m so mad…

I’m so mad at myself for drinking last night. I am full of shame and anger. I’ve never been mad at myself for drinking before it’s always shame but today I am really mad and so disappointed in myself. I didn’t pause and think, I just went and did. When will I learn that I hate how I feel physically, emotionally and spiritually the next day? I am so over my myself :sweat: God, I need you, please help me.


Aw Melodie, it’s okay!! Don’t beat yourself up, I did it tons of times before it finally sunk in. Some of us just need to touch the fire a few extra times before our brains actually get it. But I feel like at the end of the day despite the set backs, your decision to quit still remains the same, and you’ll get there! I’m pulling for you! Reach out anytime too if you just want to talk! :heart:


You need more than "god". You need an in real life sober support system. A gang of people who got your back that you can reach out to whenever you need to.

It has made all the difference for me. Maybe it would work for you.


Thank you, I really needed the pep talk and the offer to talk :heart:

I’m sure a support system would help and I have friends and family who would listen but it feels pathetic letting them know I’m struggling.

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It happens. Don’t beat yourself up over it. It took a lot of courage to tell about what happened

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Every day say to yourself…. “Not Today “and mean it!!:blue_heart::pray:

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…reread what you have shared here in your post…the next time you have a craving.

As the saying goes,
“ Play the tape forward “.

I would not bother confiding in friends and family.
They will not get this…as well-meaning as some may be.

Try meetings…and go to many before you determine whether they are for you or not…look into all of the various options for support.

Remember how sh-tty you feel right now.

And remind yourself that you are worth more than the lies which substances offer.

Glad that you posted.

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People who aren't alcoholics can't understand what you're going through, no matter how much they love you. It might be helpful to reach out to other alcoholics, because they can relate, ya know?

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Melodie don’t be so hard on yourself. Drinking and drugging that’s the easy part. The hard part is staying away from it. We have to change places and things. That’s what I had to do.

One of the best gifts I can give you. Is to move a muscle change of thought

Every time I think of drinking or drugging I shake my head that is moving a muscle and then I visualize me shaking out those negative thoughts and I start filling my head back up with positive thoughts.

It breaks the mental obsession, which is I have to have a drink. I have to have a drink. I have to have a drink.

And once we start putting the positive thoughts in our head, it starts getting their thought process on something other than the drink or the drug. I hope this helps helps me. I just celebrated 23 years clean over. God bless you.

Thanks Troy, I’m definitely going to try the move a muscle to change a thought. 23 years is incredible!! I had therapy last night and that helped a lot to talk it out. Thanks again for the message.

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Important that you ask God.

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Melodie, don’t spend the day beating yourself up. Easier said than done bc if/when I trip up and do it I’ll probably be doing the same thing. We’ve just got to remember to keep fighting for our sobriety. Slip ups are bound to happen. Spend the day looking forward to a sober brighter tomorrow. You were probably living in a moment of instant gratification last night which I know all too well. Big downfall of mine. Pick yourself up and be proud of the person you are, slip ups and all. You’re here, wanting to break the chains from alcohol and that in itself is something to say about who you really are🙏

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Me too. I had a miserable hungover day. We can do better

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Good thing I’m a fighter and I am going to keep fighting. Thank you for the kind words and encouragement :revolving_hearts:

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It’s new day and we’ve got this!!

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My pleasure anytime I’m glad to hear things are getting better😊

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