I’m so restless and anxious since these past couple days,

I’m so restless and anxious since these past couple days, but at least I get to really feel my emotions this time instead of burying them. Any tips on how to calm yourself during these times would be helpful.


You could start with meditation/prayer depending on your beliefs either way if your praying isn’t similar to meditation are you even praying? Maybe try some camomile tea and some wordless music.
Most of all remember to be thankful you’re alive.


Ava, actually feeling your emotions is powerful. That can help keep you moving forward. Very soon, you’ll realize the strength you are gaining. Your higher power is right beside you. Go toward it. Ask for the strength you need. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Jog but the thing that helped me the most when I was able to figure it out was to be grateful. Not for the anxiety obviously fk anxiety but when I started being grateful for things in the day when I was being overwhelmed. I know it’s a dumb thing and it’s really hard to do when you’re dealing with it but I tried every day and I just started feeling better. I prayed a lot too and talked to a lot of ppl. Talking to ppl helped me a lot. I’m still not 100% but I’m doing better everyday. It’ll fade but talking helps a lot


Go for a walk and jam your favorite music. Listen to sobriety podcast.....sometimes takes trying a few out. But so much of others stories inspire me and I relate to many of the folks.........focus on the similarities and not the differences. Gratitude....think of three things you are thankful for everyday. Download the Everything AA app......you can jump on a meeting 24 hours a day at anytime. Prayers for you and you can do this :muscle:

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Meditation girl

You could pray or meditate mabey try breathing techniques talk to people like your doing reaching out you got this no matter what's going on for you picking up whatever your poison is will never fix the issues

Thank you so much