I’m struggling emotionally mentally physically right now I was on

I’m struggling emotionally mentally physically right now I was on such a great path free of alcohol and drugs was almost a year clean from both. At the time I starting getting sober we found out my mom had stage for lung cancer and that was a big hit. Almost a year after finding out all the treatment she did she was getting sick wasn’t looking good I fell hard and started drinking again to numb my mind to hide the pain, this was in December then we find out the bar bad news that she decided to go on hospice as she was done fighting me and my sister cared for my mom at house tell her day came it was so hard I used marijuana to help me cope I never wanted to go back to using drugs or drinking but I felt it was my only way out to deal with it I know my mom didn’t want me doing that. So now I been sober from both for about 3 months and have the urge to go back cause I’m still grieving bad and my emotions are all over being alone not have anyone but my kids it’s hard I want to start sober and be able to make that year milestone and on from there

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I’d double down on meetings and definitely work the 12 steps with a sponsor. It’s challenging with kids, but doable. It’s even harder not sober. You can do online meetings and step work over the phone.

Thanks for the advice I will check that out

Good morning Crystal I’m so sorry to hear about your mom. I know what she wants for you is for you to have an amazing life free from drugs and alcohol. I lost my mom in 2018 and my dad in 2019. I know what you’re going through.

Through the steps, it teaches us to make living in men to those we have lost. I have healed so much through the steps. I pray that you work the steps and begin to heal.

May God bless you and keep you always.