I’m struggling w my own darkest days! Setbacks after setbacks

I’m struggling w my own darkest days! Setbacks after setbacks only drove me to drink more. I dislike my behavior and all the guilt that builds up in my head. Lord please give me strength to change for my daughters for myself as a person🙏




You say that setbacks drive you to drink more. So when are you going to stop believing the LIE? The big lie tells you that this time; everything will be okay.

But it never is, is it?
In AA this is referred to as the Insidious cycle of insanity.

Life is difficult. This is a great truth, one of the greatest truths. It is a great truth because once we truly see this truth, we transcend it. Once we truly know that life is difficult-once we truly understand and accept it-then life is no longer difficult. Because once it is accepted, the fact that life is difficult no longer matters.

The problem with us alcoholics is we never accept the fact that life is difficult. We somehow think that we are victims and so when life doesn't treat us fairly we suppress our feelings with alcohol.

If you start going to AA meetings and get around people who have been right where you are right now you can transform your life. The good news is that you never have to drink again.

You are a very real person who is worth much more than the way you are treating yourself. Alcohol is feeding you a big fat lie. You need to put the cap on the bottle and start going to AA meetings. I recommend that you go to 90 meetings in 90 days. At that time, if you don't feel like you are one of us we will gladly refund your misery.


Thanks Dave. I appreciate you taking the time to write this response

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Reach out to me anytime. I've been around this thing for a good while and I want you to experience true recovery

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