I’m struggling with getting sober. I want to and am so ready but scared at the same time. I am unsure of where to start and go from here.
Hey B. Let’s just start with today. Don’t drink today and you’re making a great start. I would suggest going to a meeting. Meet people/support group that know exactly what you’re going through. If you can’t make an in-person meeting, intherooms.com. It’s a virtual AA meeting place. Biggest thing I can suggest is don’t do this alone. Isolation helps this disease, so you’ve got get a community of support around you
God will guide you through your fear. Go to a meeting today and Go all the way in and Sit all the way down . God will do the rest.
I can't scream
loud enough to
get around folks like yourself. Try
AA and or NA. Give it a real and honest chance. Just
do not drink or get high today. Go to a mtg tonight. They will ask of there
is anyone new.RAISE
It takes futs
bit give folks a chance to be exactly what you really need.
This is nonsense. If god was gonna do anything, she wouldn't be here. Stop giving silly advice.
Go to meetings, hang out with sober people (there's a big difference between sober people and people who don't drink).
Like Blake said, don't do this alone. There are all kinds of meetings, including secular (non religious ones, if that's more comfortable). Also women's AA meetings. The women in AA really take care of eachother. Don't worry about the 12 steps and all that stuff right now. Just go hang with some sober people. Get your bearings.
Hang in there.
Unfortunately there's no one-size-fits-all treatment for addiction. Where you start depends on where you're at in your recovery, what you've tried, what you're willing to try, and what your goals are.
If you're drinking a lot and afraid of withdrawals and possibly dying from DTs, especially if you're prone to seizures, then a good place to start would be looking into places that offer medical detox or talking to your doctor about starting naltrexone or other medicine that makes it easier to cut back and quit.
If you're not worried about withdrawals then maybe look into local support groups like AA or Recovery Dharma, reading books, and watching TED talks on addiction to see what options are out there and have worked for others, and then decide what path seems like the best fit for you and where you're at in your recovery.
Something I've heard a lot from people who got sober with AA and other support groups is that they had no control over their second and third drink, but through willpower and/or spiritual means they had full control over whether or not they took the first one. If that sounds like you then that might be a good option.
Personally I had no control over my first drink and would've continued drinking until it killed me, had I not gotten medical intervention. For people like me I've found that the Sinclair Method works well. You don't need to avoid the first drink you just need to take naltrexone 1-2 hours beforehand to block your opioid receptors so that drinking is no longer a rewarding experience. Then after a few months (7 months for me) your brain unlearns it's addiction and you lose all desire to drink.
There are many paths to recovery though so don't feel discouraged if what you've tried hasn't worked. The most important thing is to keep trying new things until you find something that does.
Thank you Andrew...I've felt like a broken record spouting about how important a medical detox is to get started. You saved me a ng message so thank you sir.
B, medical detox is so key if you have any trouble with withdrawals.... that a what always derailed me 🤷.
Best of luck to ya
As I am sure many have said before me I probably won’t be the last or the one that hits home. It is as simple as it sounds take it moment by moment white knuckling it if need be embrace the suck and endure it will be miserable and possibly painful idk you personally so I don’t have and accurate idea of what you maybe going through and that would only be my perception of it. People say sugar chocolate candy etc. for me when I got off heroin over a decade ago it was Arby’s chocolate shakes and roast beef idk but you will find something to fill the need you are try to satisfy ultimately I didn’t get sober from opiates until August 1st 2012 and that to be Frank took a trade I was disgusted with people who did meth but had a friend who told be it would get me over the physical withdrawal and he was accurate * I maybe taken or am irresponsible for saying such* but it helped enough to remove me from my addiction did I use for a year or so more? Yes I did because I was afraid I would go back being on the needle and dependent and sick. Ultimately I got off drugs only after I sought help for my mental health and got on medication again I don’t know you but if you know or think whatever is the root cause as to why you do or are the way you are is mental health please I cannot stress enough get help for it the local health department or community services board will provide treatment and for free if income is an issue medication there are assistance programs or good RX for cost of them. Idk if this helps you or anyone else but I tried