I’m trapped and I don’t have a clue what to

I’m trapped and I don’t have a clue what to do …. At this point I hate going to work I’m always late, I don’t even like being at my own house anymore. I AM GOING TO FIGHT …. FIGHT FOR MY FREEDOM, FIGHT FOR MY DAUGHTERS WHO IM LEADING ASTRAY… PLEASE MY PRAYER WARRIORS THAT PRAY :pray: PLEASE PRAY FOR MYSELF, MY GIRLS and each and everyone that’s struggling THERE IS POWER IN PRAYER AND I KNW MY God will never give up on me so whoever is a believer reading this HELP let God use you bc this feeling is terrible! PRAY :pray: PLS PRAY FOR EACH OF US TO OPEN OUR MINDS TO THE SPIRIT


Courtney, I’m praying for you🙏. I’m here if you want to talk


My prayers go out to you Courtney, may God free you of the bondage of self, the bondage of drugs, the bondage of alcohol, the bondage of self sabotage in Jesus name amen


Prayers for you. Checkout Tony Evans on YouTube, you may find inspiration in his messaging.

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Thankyou so much I need all the prayers I can get at this point I want to stop so bad but I am trapped

Thankyou so much I want my mind back I’m tired of giving in

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I understand feeling trapped... :frowning: I feel trapped in my situation too. Do you have any friends or family that can help? ABSOLUTELY praying for you sister! I am so sorry for what you and your girls are going through! I truly hope it gets better... I'm here if you need a friend!

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The thing I practice on a daily basis is to move a muscle and change a thought.

At first I really didn’t understand that. And I shook my head. Then I got it my shaking my head I moved a muscle.

So every time A comes in my head. I shake my head and visualize my head as a cookie jar and I dump out the negative thoughts then I start putting positive thoughts in my head.

So move muscle change of thought hopefully this helps. Have a blessed day.