I miss my daughter

I miss my daughter so much. Some days I don't know what the point of life is without them.


I can't see my kids until mid January due to CPS considering it neglect that they were exposed to my multiple undiagnosed mental illnesses. They're only thirty minutes away from me but they feel like they're oceans away. I often ask myself the same thing. What's the point? For me, I keep telling myself that I have to get better for them so that way when they need me I can give them my whole being wholeheartedly. I hope you find comfort in that in some way, shape, or form. Time will tell as well. Don't believe the lie. Your baby(s) needs you.


I'm sorry you are going through this. I wish I had advice on how to keep sane during this.

Thanks guys. I've always been a really involved parent. I work hard to give my daughters everything I can and my stay at home wife. She's never had a job…. In her life! I put her through college. Which I am proud of but she just treated me terribly and when I finally decided I'd had enough and told her I wanted a divorce she went off kicked me out of my own home that I bought before we were married and is just making up all kinds of terrible things about me to friend of the court. Im sure once the judge actually makes the custody decision I'll be able to see them again but that could be awhile with all of this covid shit. How could someone you loved so much and did so much for you do you dirty like this. IDK it's baffling and hurtful though.

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Hey Shea, keep the faith. Things will get better. I’m sorry you’re going through this. Well wishes to you and your kids. Glad you’re here. One day at a time. On day one myself actually. :peace_symbol::heartbeat:

Congrats Chelsea for taking that big step! Don't be afraid to reach out for help, even if you end up needing treatment..

Shea I'm sorry to hear about your situation. I hope you don't let it affect your recovery. Just keep doing the next right thing and the results will take care of themselves the way they're supposed to. Good luck

My daughter is 21 now and somewhere around eight or 10 I really screwed things up I’m to the point where when I was in recovery her impact letter said I wish you would’ve died. And it’s not like just being a teenagerWhere it’s like I wish you would die I mean there were some serious thought behind it. Anyway I relationship now is good and I’m grateful for it and I knew really sick and I could screw that up completely so hopefully they’ll come around for you. I am really grateful for that