I need help , advice , mentor, friend, support ,

I need help , advice , mentor, friend, support , and ideas please . I want to get clean

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I'm so glad you're here and reaching out like this my friend! Check out some meetings in your area, grab a sponsor in jump right into the steps! If you really want this you gotta chase it as hard as you chased your high!!

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Surrender to the fact you can't control it and then do everything in your power to get clean.

Download an app called Meeting Guide. I promise you won't have any trouble finding any meetings. Especially where you live. We have to be willing to step outside the context of messaging on our phones. These apps for social support are fine but they are by no means a permanent solution.

I agree with Dave above. The meeting finder app is very useful and although I REALLY didn’t want to go to meetings, it’s made all the difference and I’m 2.5 years sober. This app is great for support but you will need real life support. If you want it, you can have it. Just be ready to put in the work. Like everyone says: you need to approach recovery like you approached use. Put in the time, make the sacrifices, make it your top priority. Best wishes.

You are in the right place!

Aa .org from meetings.

Virtual meetings 24/7

You can do this. Trust me I surrendered at the age of 48. It was the toughest and most loving surrender I could do for my self. 5 years later I am a visible and productive citizen!!!!! So if I can do this. Why not you !!!!

You’ve got this. A lot of good people here

Hi :wave: I’m available if you ever need to talk. Taking this step is huge and so happy to see you doing so. Welcome to the journey :slight_smile: