I need help to stop drinking..but it’s overpowering my will to stop
I also need help. I don't think I can do this alone.
I’m just starting my journey too. I started to listen to a sobriety podcast that helps a lot. Makes me feel less alone in this.
Thanks for sharing.
I’ve needed help for awhile, I finally did something to almost ruin my life bc of drinking, I realized I can’t quit on my own and now I’m in an IOP group and it’s honestly helping a lot. I’m also going to start AA meetings, there are even alot online so you don’t even have to actually go anywhere
Is there a certain podcast you like?
Sobriety uncensored. I found it on tiktok. It’s a really good listen
Kristie, your in the right place, and asking for help shows willingness. I know for me my willpower failed me every time. I needed a different power. I found the answers in AA. I suggest that you give them a try. It has changed my life and I have never regretted working the A.A. program. It has given me a life worth living. I didn’t have that before, but I do today!
I support what Matt says. AA has a very attractive program and the peer support is amazing. I really enjoyed going lots of different meetings at first then gravitated to the ones I found most helpful for me. Face to face meetings are great in the beginning especially, and Zoom meetings are available 24/7. One slogan stands out to me as I am reminded by your post. “I cant, we can!”
In this thread, I see three people who could take the journey into sobriety together. You can mutually encourage each other to do what needs be to done and commiserate. Mysery loves company. Wishing you all the best. We're here if we can be of service in any way.
Get into a program. AA is free. There are womens meetings and the women really look out for eachother. Stop trying to do this alone. Go make some in real life friends from people who want nothing in return but your support while they support you. There is every flavor of AA meeting. Women's, men's, agnostic, Satanic, LGBT etc. Help is there for you, please take it.
Great recommendation! Highly appreciated
Your post is basically the first step.
You should not be trying to do this alone. One of the best proven methods out there is Alcoholics Anonymous. No it may not be the only way out there these days. I don't know for sure because I've never tried any other program. All I know is Alcoholics Anonymous works for me. The help is out there and you don't have to do it alone. You just have to reach out there and grab it.
There is a solution everyone.
Watch the video: when drinking is no longer a party.
Feel free to message me! Last couple of months have been hard for me as well. We’re never alone
AA saved me
I tried and failed miserably so many times last year. Id try to stop, get extreme withdrawals, hospital and sober up just to go back to drink over and over. I have extreme social anxiety, which was the reason I started drinking --so AA was never anything I could do. I chose rehab, and those 30 days were hard, but the best money I ever could have spent. I'm 8 months sober....
If you, or anyone else reading this is fighting what seems to be an uphill battle... Check yourself into a hospital, get medically cleared and go to rehab. You owe it to yourself
You are going to conquer this. I promise. Four suggestions for what has really worked for me personally:
Get to several different AA meetings and find a few groups you love and make friends there. Your support system will grow immediately. Work those steps!
If you can, get a good therapist. It’s super helpful while you recover. Most of us drank as a numbing solution to a real problem(s).
Get physically active daily. Walks down the street, the gym, yoga, bike rides, whatever works for you. This helps your body and mind heal faster.
Thankfulness. Make sure to journal your journey every morning and end it with what you are thankful for. This starts your day on a positive note.
Go to detox