I need helpšŸ˜­šŸ˜­

Well 02/24/24 at 5am I had to call 911 for myself because I was oding. Multiple cops surround my apartment door and one of the cops takes all of my :ice_cube: and other stuff I had. I seen a stretcher out in the hallway they tell me to go sit on that then everyone starts asking me hella questions this and that. Well I didnā€™t OD on :ice_cube: I actually OD on my meds because I was on video chat with someone and he said that I looked strung out and that I was tweaking out ( even though I wasnā€™t in my opinion) so he told me to take 6 of my Topomax and I did. One pill of my Topomax is 50mg I took 6 so thatā€™s 300mg in total. Well now itā€™s 02/25/24 Iā€™m at my adopted dads house because when I came home from the hospital yesterday all I wanted was to use again as soon as I got home I started hitting people up to see if I could get anything. I realized at that point I canā€™t be alone I canā€™t be by myself I need to be around people. Well Iā€™m at my adopted dadā€™s house Iā€™m around people and I still want to use but the urge isnā€™t as bad but itā€™s there. I honestly donā€™t know what to do anymore Iā€™m literally going insane and the withdrawal and the comedown is terrible!!! Itā€™s so much worse than the others Iā€™ve went through!


Get to rehab as soon as you can.


Just give your body the time it needs to rest and drink a lot of water this will pass you got this

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If the urge is that strong you most likely need to go to treatment. You are so young, please ask your family to help you find somewhere. Invest now in yourself, you are worth it


Call a treatment facility ASAP


You might want to consider a detox and rehab. I know it sounds scary but it is for the best


Treatment, good, go.

Treatment, good, go.

Treatment, good, go.


Get to a rehab asap


Hang in there, this part is rough but the other side of things will be worth it. Glad you have your family and a change of setting, maybe also try to separate yourself from anyone who was also using? Agree with the above that a treatment center might be extremely helpful in breaking those ties.


The first good decision was not being alone now try a rehab center if you call your insurance company they may recommend one. Stay strong the initial urge to use will get better only ti time away from you DOC. We are here for you no matter what you decide.


I agree with Taylor, rehab seems like your best bet. I went to rehab at 41 for the 1st and only time ever. I wouldn't change it for the world. I do wish I had gone sooner. My bro in law does of an OD while I was awaiting my admission date. This was a big wake up as if I hadn't seen numerous OD's beforehand d but this one hit home. Right next door in fact.

I hope you do get to a rehab. It is good that you are around those who make the urges less but you need to be surrounded by those that are trained to deal with the issues you face. Crystal can be devastating. Moreso to the families involved than the addict themselves. I have seen it. I have lived it. My thoughts and prayers go out to you and yours. If ever you need a friend, feel free to reach out. I sent u a friend request.

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Keep your head up

Pray on it

I was a mess by the time I was 14 I was mixing oxys dope topamax clonipin cocaine and alcohol along with extasy. I wanted to die. If a POS like me can get sober you can too. Took me 20 years but I did! 12 years sober 22 days

Get into a rehab and DITCH that ā€œFRIENDā€ who TF would tell you to take 6 of anything along with why you listened but felt you were not strung out says a lot about the level of denial you still hold but you are saying you want help so you have to take that step

You need to get to rehab and surround yourself with positive people

That person IS NOT your friend they could have :skull_and_crossbones: you

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