I need help

How do I get sober? When I’m not on drugs I am like on autopilot all I can think about is how to get it. I have no self control when it comes to this stuff. I just don’t know what to do anymore


U have to want it more than anything else, it took me a really long time to get there


I suggest you attend NA meetings :pray: you will find yourself surrounded by peers and support you need


It's the addictive compulsive thinking that makes it very difficult.. but I recommend Na Meetings and Na Books also get phone numbers.


Just like booze or cigarettes you have to lose the obsession of the mind. Attend meetings until it happens. Do it like you’ve never wanted anything more in your life. Get on your knees and ask Your Creator.

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I understand. That was me 9 years ago.

Meetings meetings more meetings and I recommended lots of meetings!! Follow others who have achieved their goal of staying clean do what they do! I got clean on the screen during covid. in the beginning I did zoom meetings allday everyday it works if you do the work. If I can do it so can you :pray:t2::pray:t2::pray:t2:

I totally understand. Go to a detox if you can. Try meetings. Try separate yourself

How do you lose the obsession of the mind ? Any thoughts or suggestions

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Pray for it to Your Creator

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I’d love the answer to this!

Ok.bcz I've been feeling the same way...and can relate to this person post. Thank you so much.

If U R like me and booze is your master, the secret lies in attending AA. A lot.

So I’m 13 days sober right now. What I did is, I made it physically impossible for myself to get drugs. I moved away , far, with no car, changed my number, asked my dad to take control of my finances so I don’t have access to my money. Moving helped mentally, like in my head it was a fresh start in a new environment. A new life.

Keep going to mtgs and start working the steps.