I need recovery friends

Im Starr and i am a recovering addicted. My drug was meth …. Going on 9 months sober soon… but I’m struggling with finding people who understand me anymore … idk if it’s a struggle but I just got my children back as well & since I can’t go to NA meetings I’m checking out this app


This app is great for meeting people in recovery. But meetings are the best place to do that, in person. That’s where it’s at in my experience.



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I agree

I have three young ones and just moved so online is where I’m starting


There's a ton of meetings available online, offered at the top of the hour 24 hours a week. There's no excuse in the world to never be able to get to a meeting. Welcome, and I'm praying for you, but without men helping me selflessly I wouldn't be here today. I'm sober because countless men spent hours of their lives working with and trying to help me get and stay sober. We do this together! :pray:t2::muscle:t2::heart:


Glad you are here Starr!


I do Smart Recovery meetings online and love it.

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There is also an NA meeting that runs 24/7 so you can log on immediately. Find someone whose share you connect with and send them a chat message. ALL of us NEED recovery buddies.


Hey! Add me

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I’m looking for sober friends too. I just recently got unsupervised visits with my kids. My ex asked for a drug test to keep seeing my kids. I’m torn because I get it but it tears me apart that my kids were free and wanted to see me and she said no because she wants to see a test. I understand if I was acting strange or she had a suspicion of some wrong doing but it feels so arbitrary I just graduated rehab got my license back bought a used car. I’m making progress in life. So without reasonable cause denying me from my children feels wrong

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Hey Starr.
You got this.