I need serious help idk what to do anymore

I need serious help idk what to do anymore...drugs controls my life!!!

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Hi Roger. I hate you're struggling. Do you attend meetings and/or have a sponsor? Have you thought about checking into a treatment center?

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Hello. Open to chat if you want

Hey Roger. I know what you mean. There was a time in my life where I felt like alcohol and drugs had a complete hold on me. I didn’t know what to do either so I went to the people who WOULD know what to do. I joined a 12 step program and I was actually able to find sobriety which was a miracle. Perhaps you can try and do the same. Check out a meeting today, even a virtual one. Then come back here and let us know what you think. Good luck and I’m rooting for you

Hey roger consider rehab if it’s really bad did work for me after that the 12 steps program is a blessing, good luck :pray:t4:

Yes I agree!

How are you Roger?