I need some advice here

I need some advice here. So I am on a suboxone maintenance program & it’s been a little over 2 months. 3 weeks ago I started going to sleep around 11pm and waking up at 5:45 am to go to the gym then i go directly to work after. After work I have about an hour until I go to an NA meeting. However when I am at the meeting, I am very tired and fighting to keep my eyes open. People think I’m getting high again, which is not the case. How can I keep enough energy to go through the day? Could it be the subs doing this? Thank you for any help!

I don’t have experience with subs, but you are getting less than 8hours of sleep, working out, going to work, and then a meeting. What is your calorie intake? How hydrated are you? Do drink caffeine at all? Did you ever have covid? (I still have days where I am exhausted from it) if you are worried I would talk to your doctor for sure. Good luck man

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Depending on your sub dose maybe you need to go down a little? Sometimes we’re just exhausted we are human. But subs do make people tired, some more than others. I would def talk to your sub doctor about it and maybe even be open about it in your meeting.