I need some guidance and support

I need some guidance and support to get and stay sober. I think having a place to interact with others struggling like me or that have gotten through the darkness would be very beneficial and would help hold me accountable.


Hello I am struggeling Also. I am here for you


Much love and support from phoenix AZ


Hi my name is Natalie and I would like to suggest some online meetings, the website www.InTheRoom.com for support and also Google A.A/N.A meetings in your area or Zoom meetings are great! One day at a tim. Hang in there, your not alone. It gets better


Hey Kevin. as others suggested, your best bet is to link up with a sober community that holds regular recovery meetings that you can attend. There are a ton of options out there. Here’s a link that might help (these are non-aa options since I see someone already mentioned aa below) https://www.alcohol.org/alcoholics-anonymous/alternatives-to-the-aa-approach/


Thanks for the advice. I'll definitely check it out. I saw you from NJ… me too!


I'll ceck it out. That seems like a great idea. I looked online briefly but didn't find anything so this may be a great lead. Thank you, Natalie!


I too am struggling it's like I could see the inevitable consequences playing out in front of me get it's nothing compared to the pain that I'm trying to escape

Yeah, I give others advice so well but when you are fighting the battle and all you can think is that… it hasn't gotten terrible yet! That's so scary. Ugh

NJ in the :house_with_garden:

I feel the same

I am only like 11 days sober, out on an ror I had a dui so I'm home alot and struggling. In the rooms is great.

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I still haven't reached out to support groups yet which I know is a mistake. I fell off during the week but have been good the past two days. I started another audio book for my drive to and from work (40 min one way) because that is when my thoughts race the most and I am the most susceptible to getting a drink. Hope everyone is well!

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Hey Kevin! How’s it going? If you don’t mind me asking, what’s keeping you from taking action with the support groups?

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Www.intherooms.com is also a great place to go for support.

The meetings are great and very frequent.

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