I need to make a change and don't know how

Quick back story. Was with my husband 9 years, he hid his addiction for 2 years. I knew all along he was getting high everyday. Him and I would do cocaine on weekends for fun and he started to do it everyday. He drained our bank accounts, ran our business into the ground and I kicked him oit this past Aug because the fighting was getting bad and I felt I would have a addiction if he continued to use. I told him it's Rehab or stay out. I still see him on weekends but I use cocaine when I see him cuz he is and that's hard for me not to when it's in my face. I know I need to cut him out my life completely. How do I help myself not use? I live alone with my 2 kids and when I'm bored the craving is always there. I started using almost everyday after kicking him out due to depression and anxiety. I started taking depression meds and trying to get my life back


What about your kids . get it together for them. They need you guys more than anything. You can do it.


Jackie, your scenario is actually very common. I’ve seen people successfully get their life back by going to alanon and AA/NA, getting a sponsor, doing the 12 steps 100%, creating new SOBER friends and making their sobriety the number 1 priority even over family.
I’ve also seen people lose their children and worse to addiction.
It’s your choice…
I’m here if you want to talk.

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As much as it hurts you need to completely cut anyone out of your life that is triggering you to use. Until he is clean for awhile you can't be around him. Period

Thank you for sharing Jackie. Try to keep coming back.

Sounds like it's ultimatum time, but the hard part will be sticking to it. You have to stop, he has to stop, you cannot make him but you can work on yourself and you will see what lengths he'll go to keep you

Al-anon and CoDA meetings

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You have to be first or you will lose even more

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Get to a NA meeting. Your poor children are suffering. Do it for them. You can make no progress unless you’re sober. I really hope you get to a meeting.