I relapsed several days ago. I need advice on how to start my sobriety all over again…
You just did. Get back involved with a program. Start from the beginning. Just because you slipped, doesn’t mean all the time and accomplishment just go away.
I’m just unsure as to how. I’m currently inebriated trying to ask for help.
Tomorrow is a new day. Try and get some sleep and find a meeting tomorrow
I have no transportation to said meetings. Plus, I’ve moved to a new town trying to restart life… if virtual meetings are an option, I know I won’t be up to attend them because I have to tend to two small children. I don’t like feeling the way I’m feeling now…just drunk and confused…
I seen you on my feed twice tonight, so I felt the need to comment again. I’m just now starting my recovery & honestly it was out of the blue for me. I wanted to point out though, I think it’s big that you can recognize that you don’t like the way it makes you feel. You can control that, and often we forget that because we think we can’t. Imagine how proud you’d feel after just 1 day?
Hi Kahlea, we addicts are expert at coming up with reasons to continue drinking. We also know how to go about stopping. That's why it's said 1 day at a time. Pretty much all of us had more than 1 day 1's.
If you can't go then zoom a meeting, you can probably find one 24/7.
I'm 15 months sober this time around. I know you can do this. Reach out anytime I will talk sobriety anytime. Prayers also work. Prayers always
Hi sweetie. I know how you feel. Trapped.. sometimes people don’t understand what we go through as Mothers. I don’t know if Dad is around, but I know how you feel. It’s similar with me. I am going to say what Sarah said is very on point to what WE need. Are you comfortable bringing the children. I’ve seen people do it. Where do you live?? I would pick you up if I could. There’s no easy way around this, but the point is you are fighting, I am fighting. We are fighting…
You are not alone…