I relapsed when I had a month clean which is

I relapsed when I had a month clean which is the longest I’ve gone without doing drugs and I have 15 days clean again but Im struggling on getting a job. I can’t help but feel like a failure and the urge to use again is overwhelming me.


Stay strong Jai Renee. You can do this! Just for today.


Stay strong dear :pray::pray:

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Stay strong with it. That feeling can and does go away. Just keep pushing forward.

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Are you working or practicing any kind of a recovery program? If you are, then dig into that.
It helped me for sure.

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Do you have a sponsor?

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Good morning Jai

You are not a failure none of us are. We just lost the war of drugs and alcohol. They won the battle. It is time for us to surrender.

In early sobriety an early clean time life is hard and our emotions are everywhere. Please play the tape all the way through the positive tape.

Please write a gratitude list of 10 things you are grateful for.

A negative list of things that would happen if you picked up a drink or a drug.

Hopefully this helps


No I do not yet

You def wont get a job if you are using. With sobriety you have a shot

One day at a time!

I sponsor remotely (phone). You can private message me. I’m here to be of service.

You are not a failure Jai

The fight is not over until we die. Making mistakes is part of life. Please learn from them and know that you are not alone anymore. We’ve got your back.

Please lift up your head and know you are worth another day. God bless you