I screwed up again 😞 41 days and now back

I screwed up again :disappointed: 41 days and now back to square one. I would give anything to be a stronger person. Thanks for the support awesome people. I will try again.


It is the effort that matters. We are not perfect.

I don't have enough fingers and toes to count my failures/relapses, but I know that life is better for me on the sober side. It's why I keep at it.

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Happens to the majority of us. Just limit the duration of the "slip", seek help, and get back at it. If you go on a bender like I used to then it's a full blown "relapse". It took me five times to turn relapses into slips 🀷. Last time was a whole weekend, so if you've recognized the wrong in one night and got back on the sober train, you're doing great. Good luck on another 41+ days.

Your experience will benefit others in the future. This is the 'keep coming back' part.


Keep trying! You can do it! We all help each other.

Hey you got 41 days, you can get and keep your sobriety for the reasons you choose!

Try again! Keep trying!

Like everyone else has said, just keep trying, and don’t carry that guilt. It’s done and your human. Now go be sober again! Go hit 41+ days again. :slightly_smiling_face:

Do you have a good path forward? Wishing you the best!

No one amongst us have been able to maintain anything like perfect adherence to these principles…

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Have you tried AA?
I learned there that I am β€œstronger” when I surrender. When I stopped fighting and trying to do it my way that’s when I found a solution.
Besides, my way always got me drunk eventually.
Time to try somebody else’s way??

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You are a stronger person, you just gotta unleash it. You can do anything you put your mind too. I'm not sure what your drug of choice is, but Vivitrol curves the cravings for alcohol. Suboxone works for opiate depency.

You have 41 days! That's huge! You know what it feels like to wake up every morning without a hangover. Lots of days strung together. You're adding more sober days despite this blip. And you're here! I am in the same place, but having weeks of sobriety has me making an honestly felt choice each day. Being sober isn't as exhausting.

Welcome back, don’t beat yourself up, get involved in a recovery program, we can’t do it alone.

I was a chronic relapser for decades! Until I got real serious and 1,000% committed to my program. I went to 90 meetings in 90 days. Got a home group, got a sponsor and did the 12 steps several times. Also I attended an AA meeting everyday for 5 years. Now 14+ years sober. I wish I committed sooner but hey, I’m glad I finally did.
You got this if you really want it.

@christy174971 If at first you don't succeed, try, try again.

Welcome back!

Good going on that 41 days! Don't let a slip up diminish your efforts. Practice makes progress!

You got it. Don't beat yourself up over something when you don't have to and it's not going to help you. It's forward from here. I know easier said than done. You're not alone, and the struggle is real. You got this

The fact that you can recognize your addiction puts you miles ahead of where you were. Every step forward is gain.