I slipped. Or relapsed

Hi Joshua S - swear to goodness, I’ve been thinking about you all day. I’ve been checking Loosid for any messages from you, so I’m here, I’m listening and I’m rooting for you.

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Your journey means something to me. I’m not sure why your posts resounded with me but they did. Lots of people post, and we are all learning. Just want to buck up for you bc you were inspiring me. Please take care and come back.


I agree with Liz. Joshua some of your posts really spoke to me. You fell down but have to get back up again. What we are all dealing with is serious and hard but not impossible. Sending my support. I believe in you.


You are bigly to me. I hope you hear me. I relapse WAY more than I want to share. But I love your hair and mustache doos…and I have been following you. I’m sorrow I didn’t let you know sooner that you were inspiring me. I tend to stay to myself and don’t trust anybody. My bad, bc you might have needed to know that your words were great for me to read.

I think you are totally worthy and I am rooting for you to post back to us.

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I hope you are back to the sober life :slightly_smiling_face:. We are here for the journey


“ I just feel so worthless “.
Remember this, these feelings and use the feelings of worthlessness to N O T drink and, or use a substance again because of course, the poison is there for that purpose…to destroy everything which is good and beautiful in life.

If you decide to go to meetings, awesome!

If meetings are not for you…there are other alternatives, many(!)…to help you remain sober.

If you combine meetings and other tools, even better!

Hoping that you are not being too hard on yourself…while I get it.

It took me an entire decade to reach two years of continuous sobriety.

Many slips, relapses, much time spent screwing up many, many things-ugh-so much time which was wasted.

It does not have to be that way, obviously.
How are you doing right now, Joshua?


Do you have any in person support there in TN? It's imperative to get that built into your life, man.


Thank you friends. I'm still stuck in a rut but I will get out of it. Thank you for your kind words.


Don't be stuck in a rut. You are here for a reason. Slipping up is just part of recovery. Sure being in recovery, you can't necessarily fully recover. But you can keep recovering until you grow too old to live. Life is so much better with people who can rise above their addiction.

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Just pull yourself back together and don’t let your past determine your future. You can’t change the past but you can push forward towards better things for yourself.

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Yes I am going to go back to meetings and get a sponsor. Thanks man.

I don't feel great, but am glad to not be putting that poison in my body anymore. Thank you for your message.

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Thank you very much. Sobriety is so much better. I really don't like alcohol and am not going to drink it anymore. It's just poison and I don't know why I would drink it ever. For today and every day I want to be sober.

I'm going to go back to meetings and try to get a sponsor. Sobriety is so much better than drinking poisonous alcohol.

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Make sure it's just a slip, not a slide. You'll be alright, my dude. Hang in there. You're here, you want this, you got this!

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