I slipped. Or relapsed

I'm struggling hard


I’m right there with you. Today is day 3 for me. What are you going to do to help yourself?


Been there bro and all we can do is get back up and move forward and learn from it so we don't make the same mistakes. Glad your back.


Slip ups happen. Don't beat yourself up over it. Some people need to slip a couple times in order for their body to say I'm feeling horrible because that was me getting sober from drugs. Now I'm almost 3 years drug free!


You should try AA. Self help books never worked for me. I can’t help myself with my diseased brain.

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Hey! Hang in there and get to a meeting. I am not a first time winner. Took me two tries but now I have 18 years. Just don’t drink and find a sponsor. Don’t be embarrassed at the meetings. Everyone there is just like you!


Joshua - I hope you are getting right back on track and not beating yourself up. You have told us in your posts how much you appreciate sobriety, so I’m rooting for you to get right back to it. You have a new job starting tomorrow right? That’s something to look forward to. Good luck! You got this.


Just keep coming back Joshua, get to meetings and stick around for the Miracle!

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Tomorrow is a new day!

Stay strong friend

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Stop doing that. Stop drinking and Stop struggling. It’s a personal choice.


Was just chatting w a friend regarding slips...what determines success? Don't quit! Keep moving forward! We are all human...any of my slips have taught me a much needed (on going) lesson in humility

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Hey Josh, hang in there, man. Do the things you know, get to meetings.


Sent you a friend request - let’s chat.

Be kind to yourself. New day.


I’ve had to restart a couple times myself. The thing is, you recognize what happened and are moving in the right direction. Progress, not perfection! Keep reaching out!

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I just feel so worthless

You are more powerful than your mind. You are worth far more than you think :heartbeat:
Please don’t let this discourage you

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Please get yourself a recovery team because everytime a slip happens it could be harder to get back. If you have a doctor try to get craving medication. That helped me a lot. Maybe mind or matter but it helped me and will have 3 years and 4 months soon.

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Time to restart and get back on the horse brother man!

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