I slipped up and took a few shots but it’s

I slipped up and took a few shots but it’s not something I want today I still wanna remain sober and I feel bad cause I let myself slip just wanna beat this addiction once and for good


Don't beat yourself up, it took me many relapses over 2 years to finally get sober i also went to treatment October 2023 , if possible try and remove any booze in your household to help any temptation. You got this , just because you "fell down " doesn't mean you can't get up again :revolving_hearts:


If possible try to hit up a meeting in your town or online

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Ty I will try

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Hey Stephanie, the only thing that has worked for me because I had to go to a 12 step program and totally surrender people placing them things. Better known as triggers. Then I had to get a sponsor and get totally honest with that Sponsor. Sharing meetings, I started helping Newcomer. Then I started helping Sponsor with all those things my time was taken up, and the obsession was lifted.

Do you have a sponsor?

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No I don’t

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Thank u

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Have you read the AA bigbook? It helps me alot when it comes to the insanity of addiction. Read the Dr's opinion. It set me straight

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Is it called AA big book or what

That’s OK it is tough in the beginning to ask someone to sponsor us. But I promise you if they have worked the steps thoroughly. then they have a lot to offer you and help you get better one day at a time

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