I thought that once I stopped drinking everything else would be easier

I thought that once I stopped drinking everything else would be easier but that is obviously not the case. I’m having such a hard time finding work and my depression is creeping back in. Ugh.

It can be so strange. But at least things process easier when sober.

Hang in there Danielle… I know about depression. I'm pulling for you

No longer dealing with with life in a drunk now your dealing with life an the hooks it throws it really sucks at first no this we all go through it then after shit part comes the reward


Definitely it doesn’t all get easier immediately , it helps to get plugged into some 12 step groups, and therapy helped the depression I felt when I initially got sober


It definitely does get easier. That's science. It has to do with your brain chemistry. But right now is the hardest part.

Give yourself a break, it's not going to happen overnight. What you're feeling is normal. My advice would be to go to some meetings and get a sponsor, stay active in the community. You might end up needing professional help, and that's okay too.

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Well you know it would be much much more harder if you are using

If possible dear

I do believe in your speech