I’ve been sober for over five years now and I

I’ve been sober for over five years now and I am really struggling with health issues with my stomach right now. I’ve lost 25lbs in six weeks can’t keep food down. Turns out I have a certain type of hernia that they are trying to treat with medication first. So it’s really gotten me down. I’m a single mom don’t leave the house much I work from home! Still working on getting my license back due to the wreckage of my past! Could use all the prayers I can get!!


Sending Prayers and good vibes your way mamma. You got this!


Always surrender to God even it doesn’t feel right..God can use our struggle to depend on Him..we are nothing without Him.. God uses our struggles to grow into we are intended be for His glory..and to leave a legacy of your life for others to see ..nothing is wasted by God..

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I completely agree with you! Thank you for the words of encouragement!! I sure need them!!

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Dear Christina sometimes it seems we are loaded down too heavy n we fear we can’t cope. As was said, God will help us when we can hardly help ourselves!
Just take care of your mind, body n Spirit. Try to stay balanced n keep the faith that things will get better with time and faith! I will certainly pray for you! Don’t give up. One Day at a Time! Big hugs , Sky B​:gift_heart::sparkling_heart::yellow_heart::orange_heart::heart:🩷🩵:white_heart:

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Sending prayers

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Hang in there. Trust the process.

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I have been sober a little over a year. I have lost about 20 pounds since I quit drinking. I have no health problems. I’m praying for you sister!

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Sending prayers, I have a lot of health issues too, I have had a lot of stuff done to my stomach in my recovery journey. If you need to reach out. I’m here. :pray:

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Sky….thank you so much for your kind words! They mean more to me than you’ll ever know!! I am taking it one day at a time for sure! I had a horrible night last night being sick to my stomach all night! But I keep saying this too shall pass and joy comes in the morning!! Any kind of positive talk I can give myself helps! Lol! But thank you for your prayers!!!

Sounds so familiar Bobbie!! I feel the same way you do! Would love to talk with you and compare stories! If that’s ok with you? I feel so alone sometimes like no one understands what I’m going through!!! Just down and out! Had a horrible night last night was up all night sick to my stomach!!! I just feel like giving up sometimes like I can’t live like this forever!!! Ugh! You know my pain I am sure! Sending prayers your way and hope you start to feel better yourself!!!

Thanks a ton!! I appreciate you offering for me to reach out! I’ll probably take you up on that!!

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Praying for ya

Sending prayers for you.
Just letting you know that I’m a good listener and that you’re not alone

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Hang in there Kitty! Gods got u!

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Thank you so much!! I might take you up on that!!