I’ve been struggling lately…

I’ve been struggling lately with my sobriety. So much has hit the fan in my life and the thoughts of using keep getting louder in my head to where I’m upset and shaking. My daughters are really going through some hard times even at their young age. It’s to the point my oldest is shutting down. I don’t blame her I would be shutting down too. I got her some professional help to help with her big emotions. I’m so overwhelmed with everything that I feel like I’m drowning. My sponsor suggested that I seek therapy for myself as well. So I made a referral appointment for tomorrow. I’m scared to be medicated. I’m just scared of it all. But I’m still sober and I want to stay sober not just for myself but for my kids, husband, and friends.


Justice, I was recommended to take meds and didn’t want to trade one addiction or crutch for another. Therapy as far as talking out/processing out my thoughts and emotions is definitely great.
I can tell you I’m really glad I didn’t take any pills and I am fine. Ya it’s for sure uncomfortable for awhile but it will pass if you really do the work (12 steps). I did them multiple times and every time I did I got stronger and much more peace of mind.
I’m here if you want to talk.

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Thank you so much for sharing Justice

I know it is scary getting on medicine.

I was dealing with a severe depression in 2011 to 2022
I had to protect my kids from a child molester and I was so afraid to get on antidepressants. I was scared that it would put my mind and relapse mode and I would give up everything that I fought so hard for.

But in August 2022 I got on antidepressants. It was the best thing that I ever did for myself and sobriety.

I just celebrated 23 years cleaning and sober we do recover. Sometimes we need to seek medical help and get on antidepressants 


Justice, see a psychiatrist, be honest, if they prescribe meds give them a shot. They won’t conflict with your sobriety. A lot of us (addicts of every kind) have REAL chemical imbalances. The best advice I’ve been given in recovery was to seek outside help. I could not have been sober 10 years without my outside help. Heck, I would have offed myself years ago. Good luck!


Being medicated to help with what your feeling does not make you not sober, if it’s prescribed by a doctor we have to come to realize it’s for a reason and accept that reason that it is keeping us “sane”. Whatever that feels like for you, but as long as it is not your kryptonite then you are doing the deal still. Hope that makes you feel alittle better.

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