I’ve been struggling with cravings for a week now. I

I’ve been struggling with cravings for a week now. I was 102 days sober til today. I gave in to my weakness, my demon. Determined to get back right and start over on my sobriety.


At least you are still here and wanting to start over! Tomorrow is a new day :blush:

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Thank you for this!

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Are you working with a sponsor?
Btw, sobriety when I thoroughly do my program is the easier softer way. Drinking is the brutal road.
I’m here if you ever want to talk.

Don't even trip about a sponsor or 12 steps or any of that right now. Get an in person sober support system for yourself. People you can call/txt/meet for coffee. Go to meetings and just sit and listen. You really don't need to do any of that other stuff yet.

Be good to yourself and hang in there.


No I don’t have a sponsor. I have a support group but no actual sponsor.

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I struggled and was a chronic relapser until i got a sponsor and seriously did the steps.
I sponsor if ur interested. Contact me in private message.

I made it to 378 days and fell really bad. Almost two years and the drinking got even worse.
Back at 4 days now. Rooting for you

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