I want to feel normal, but i don’t feel normal

I want to feel normal, but i don’t feel normal without alcohol . It’s heartbreaking


You’re not alone !! I have a year coming up and I’m buggen out I want a drink so bad !!


Hey I’m here if you need to talk

Hang in there. It is tough but worth it.

I get that. I feel the same way particularly in social settings. I guess I’m realizing that maybe I’m more introverted than I thought and I leaned on alcohol to much to mask that. I’m going on 8 mo. And slowly learning that it’s ok to remove myself from that and go home to being watch tv and eat ice cream even if it’s “lame” :rofl: Hang I there, you’re not alone.

It definitely hits different and isn't easy. If you need to talk, I'm here along with many others.

I’ve felt that way especially at social events. I also did a lot of things that weren’t normal or ok when I was using. I would take feeling not normal over doing and acting in ways that I wouldn’t normally do sober. People change and growth happens! A new normal is worth being sober!

That’s the disease talking to you. You think you’re “normal” while under the influence when really your not. The more time separation from the substance will make things better.

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What is normal anyway? You are unique and normal is over rated in my opinion. Allow yourself time to discover your true inner self through sobriety and i promise you won't be disappointed. Your normal will come in do time and trust me you'll feel better than normal. You'll feel liberation and self pride

All my normal friends are fücking crazy.

Jess i had similar feelings that hindered me It took time without alcohol for my body to heal. Now, no going back, no way

If you don’t feel normal without alcohol that maybe a sign of total physical addiction to alcohol. I was just like that. I couldn’t do anything because shaking was so bad. My mind was all about drinking. Just a suggestion but IF you really want to stop you may need to be medically detoxed. That’s what saved my life and an amazing recovery team too. I know this is hard especially the way alcohol is just so glamorizing everywhere but remember they don’t show the harsh reality of what can happen when physically addicted. Best wishes. Get the right help do meetings build a recovery team. But you have to really want it. I know it’s better than dying Alcoholic death believe me, I witnessed it first hand. Tough my friend tough.

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Normal (whatever that means) life doesn’t feel normal when we stop living a dysfunctional life, not at first. So you’re making progress and you’re where you need to be. What we do in heartbreak will only increase the heart’s capacity for joy! Be blessed.

When I feel like that I go to a meeting and talk about it. I feel normal again after doing so. Drunks drink. So talking about that feeling in a group of drunks is normal