My friend has left treatment and relapsed. I’m thinking about how going to get high with her would make it “easier” for me to use. I’m a bit bored and stressed in my current circumstances although I’m also very grateful at the same time. I’ve called my sponsor and reached out to people. I’ve been to a meeting and shared. I’ve started on my second step. I’ve prayed. Any suggestions or words of encouragement? I need some experience, strength, and hope right now. Thank you.
Having never exposed another to drinking or drugs, I really can't fathom encouraging someone in recovery to fall off. They may be the one to help you to pull through...and think of the others they might encourage with their story. Jus sayin.
I would try to be the stronger one, if she's fresh outta treatment she/ he might be easier swayed to go lunch/meeting. Trying to make it easier to use sounds like when addiction is thinking and we need to be brought back to "sanity" I hope you can hit that pillow sober/clean tonight and tomorrow night.
Feeling torn is real, but remember why you started. You deserve peace, not another cycle of regret. Stay close to those who remind you of that. Keep posting and connecting with other here. You got this.
I am recently out of treatment....I always say or think this...I can't, he can, so let God of my understanding that is..and the 3 step prayer. Stay strong...this will pass...hope that helps. Sending you love.
Man that's tough. If you've already made up your mind nothing is gonna persuade you. I've chosen to do that and my experience is that I almost didn't make it back. Sounds like you know it's not the greatest idea. Completely block her out of your life and focus on yourself and how you can get through that stepwork like your life depends upon it. God will place the most perfect soul in your life but in his timing. I hope you decide to stay,you deserve it, everyone that loves you deserve it
Having these feelings is normal. It is difficult to train your body and brain to do something other than it's used to. Especially when we're stressed or bored, we tend to want to fall back on what we're used to. However, it sounds like you've made more efforts to NOT use than use. That's evidence that you're putting in the work, and retraining your brain matters to you!
Even if that temptation is loud and persistent, keep doing things to contradict it. That's what will get you through the day, then the next, and so on. Eventually that thought, even if it is still a loud one, will be easier to ignore.
Wishing you strength and the best possible outcome!