I was clean for six years My middle daughter and

I was clean for six years
My middle daughter and I had a huge fight and started throwing up a lot of mean things about my past so I picked up again and I hate it and myself

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It's unfortunate that you felt she drove you to that. But I learned we can only control ourselves. You need a stable outlet or plan if you get triggered. You are human and today is a new day. Try not to be so hard on yourself. :heartbeat:

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Tommie are you working with a sponsor? I had to make my sobriety the number 1 priority over finance, romance and family. With sobriety and solid emotional sobriety I can have all of the above and much more. Without sobriety I only get pain!
I sponsor if you are serious and sick & tired of being sick & tired.

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Don't waste your time hating your self, you can get another six years in a row starting right now. Did alcohol provide you any benefit?

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You’re not the first person this has happened to and you won’t be the last. Dust yourself off and get back to it girl you got this!! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts::smiling_face_with_three_hearts::muscle:t3::muscle:t3:🫶🫶:two_hearts::two_hearts:

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Hope you are ojay

You are here talking about shows that you can get back up and fight for your recovery don’t be so hard on your self feel the emotions and let them go

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Good afternoon Tommie… I used to hate myself as well. I used to say what’s the use. The crazy thing is I said what is worth living for. it took me a while to put down the drink or the drug.

But when I did the most amazing thing happened. The longer I stay away from a drink or drug. The first thing I had to do was surrender to the first drink to the first drug, knowing that it had controlled my life for way too long . After that, I started working the 12 steps and started to recover from a hopeless state of mind . I started to love myself . I started to be lovable, and those who I had hurt. Slowly, but surely started to see the change in Me.

Don’t give up you are worth fighting for. You are important you are worthy. It all starts with surrender .

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