I was so proud I made it a week. My

I was so proud I made it a week. My mental health has been a wreck for almost a year due to some trauma. Unfortunately my husband's mom is on life support. Went to eat and we both caved. Was fine having 2 drinks at dinner but because of the painful situation with his mom,emotions were high & we got more alcohol to take home. This caused him to lose his temper after a few more and he stayed out and up all night doing who knows what.

Now I'm back at day 1, there's just so much pain right now but I want off this roller coaster of drowning sorrows and bad decisions. Thanks for listening. All support is so appreciated


Just keep trying :relieved:


Keep coming back

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Most definitely, thank you, I wont give up

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Ugh, so sorry you're going through all of that with your MIL, sending you all healing energy and strength. Happy you're here, take it 10 min at a time.


Thank you

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Caving into drinking or drugs just prolonged the pain, completely thwarted the healing process and compounded my problems! For me, I’d feel like an utter idiot if I drank or used again. Sobriety is the easier & softer way. My disease lies to me with promise of relief. I had to wake up to effing truth!


Yup sometimes that’s what it takes


We are glad you’re back Crystal. God bless you.


This is a one day at a time lifestyle. You have today, and for that, I am grateful. I lost my brother to cancer in September. It was brutal, sitting bedside, watching him suffer, and knowing I was powerless to do anything about it. But my HP was there with me every step of the way. I leaned hard on Him, and he carried me through it, one day at a time. I had the support of Alcoholic Anaoymous and my home group. I got to read the big book with him before he passed. I wouldn't have traded thay for my best day drunk. You got this. We get to learn how to I've life, just one day at a time. Prayers to you and your family during this difficult time :heart:

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When we get to the point that our relapse lasts but a brief moment. After historically poisoning the joy in our lives, we are really 10ft from the apex. Always still more to learn but my point is, you get it! Relapse is just a reminder. We learn from this. You got this. ODAAT.

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That's all that's required.

:100:. Being too hard on myself is a big part of what prolonged my addictions. Realizing that I could not be grateful, ME PERSONALLY, for my sobriety and use woke me up. Giving thanks evert day for the gifts that came with it tend to carry me through every single hardship. As you said, leaning on our HP, that is what keeps me going. I am so imperfect in my mind. Life is a lesson. and some of the greatest scholars come from the SOHK. Coal into diamonds. It's a beautiful life, sobriety. IF I FORGET, even for a day, what I am grateful for, it shows.