I was sober for almost 90 days, in meetings every

I was sober for almost 90 days, in meetings every day working with a sponsor. I relapsed on the day I was baptized how sick is that?! I hate myself I feel like I am a disgrace. I had 3 jobs and now have no job from relapsing throughout two months. I got back into meetings daily and was sober 10 days, and then found my boyfriend was lying to me constantly. I felt like I had armed myself to not relapse, but I didn’t expect the hurt to come from the inside of people I trust. My heart hurts and I am disgusted with myself. I had been interviewing for jobs during that 10 days and I have so much on the line right now, trying to detox today so I can show up presentable for an hour for two interviews tomorrow so I don’t end up homeless. I hate myself right now, and I hate this disease.


Hang in there. Get back to the steps and work them. Clearly you are forgetting to work step one in my opinion.

This disease is cunning and baffling.

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I’ve been there done that too many times!
Now 15+ years of solid sobriety.
Hate the disease but don’t hate yourself. Get back into your program with a greater respect for both your program and your disease! Go deeper. You can do this!!!
I’ll friend request you now and here if you want to talk :pray:

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