I went to a 7 day detox on 2/7/24 Did

I went to a 7 day detox on 2/7/24 Did great for 2 weeks with the subligade shot! But after that I’ve slipped up 2 times! And my temper is like embarrassing it’s so bad! I’m jumping out In The road trying to fight people and everything! I was also shot 5 times on 12/5/23 so I’m battling ptsd real bad in my sleep! Idk. Just not looking good for me really!


I struggle with my temper too and I finally started going to therapy once a week even though I wasn’t sure how it would help but after the first two appointments I started being able to at least stop and think about what was causing me to be angry and write it down which I guess I never really stop and think about what is making me feel angry and lose my temper and just having someone tell me to write it down and think about it made me notice immediately the next time I was angry that I had to write it down and just doing that really helped dealing with being upset in a better way rather than using it as a reason to get upset with myself or others without really thinking through anything I’m feeling or doing and just letting my anger build up and get me more upset. I realized immediately it feels so much better writing it down or just stopping to think about what’s causing it and it actually calmed me down by thinking though what emotion it was and where it stemmed from. Seems too simple and easy for it to work but it definitely did

Wow dawg! I really appreciate it! I mean on drugs I didn’t really care what went on around me! But sober I just blow up over the smallest things! I’m scared I’m gonna jump right back into the madness and lose everything! But I’m gonna try this. If impulse don’t over ride when I try! But eventually I’ll get it! Thanks man