I went to an online aa meeting today. It was nice but just can’t seem to see hope in all of this. Gonna keep trying.
Why not try in person meetings Katie?
Go to a live meeting. For me I need to be there in person. It challenges my social anxiety. Zoom meetings are another form of isolation imo.
I’m not a regular at meetings. But in person is the way to go. It has that personal touch. You can look into others eyes.
I suggest going in person and feel the energy in the room….. huge difference
I like Recovery Dharma meetings.
Try in person. Much different experience. At least for myself
I can’t drive and feeling defeated to beg to the meetings. I’m more of a hands on kinda person so wish I could make it in person but just can’t drive so I’m stuck. Thanks for asking.
I do. Please help
I get it. Hang in there. If you have an AA office nearby you can call and they may be able to put you in touch with a couple women from nearby groups. Ask for a 12 Step Call.
Go to an in person AA Meeting. Wish I was close because I would take you.
Not sure what the specific issue with AA was, but there are alternative sober group meetings, in person and zoom.
I'm involved in a SMART (Self-Management and Recovery Therapy) group ;they are more cognitive/behavioral based and try to do activities outside of meetings. There's a Buddhist based group called Refuge Recovery. Just FYI....Ya just gotta see what fits
Idk I see all of these in person is better comments I think what ever works best for you and you won’t know for awhile so do both make yourself uncomfortable embrace the journey. This can be the beginning of greatest part of your recovery fellowship is important accountability is essential do not allow others in or at meetings somehow interfere with you opportunity for a better you or tomorrow. Yes people are people and some suck and yes some of them also attend meetings and still sucks But their misery is not your burden to bear. Smile nod and keep it moving acknowledge address and don’t indulge the misery loves company mentality or you will find yourself in a place that isn’t meant for you and maybe doing things or living a lie of a life slowly suffocating whom you could be. Free and happy he’ll healthy. Listen take advice and surround yourself in a community of those who you truly admire for their struggle is relative and their metamorphosis is beautiful. Embrace the suck and keep on for yourself absolutely nothing will be enough if you are not enough for you. Thanks for coming to my TED talk
Thank you
I would love that. I’m having a hard time getting there because I can’t drive. I need a friend.
Thank you.
Keep on making attempts and at some time it will start to click. Then it gets easier.
Hi Katie,
I felt no hope at all in the beginning. I don’t know what your relationship with alcohol is, but mine was very parasitic. The more it took from me, the more I became willing to give it until there was virtually nothing left. And it was my home group and my program that gave me even just the tiniest sliver of hope. And that’s where I started.
I understand not having a license. I’ve been without before too. I understand feeling ashamed or unworthy when asking for help. But I will tell you this with 100% sincerity. Another woman in your area goes to a meeting nearby and will help you if you ask. Being of service to the person who still suffers is a huge part of the program.
I really think the suggestion of a women’s meeting is a good one. It will benefit you in building a strong foundation for your sobriety. You’ll get your driving privileges back and you can return the favor some day.
Yes. Embrace The Suck.
Thank you that was really nice.