If you are friends with Donald K or Donald Koon

If you are friends with Donald K or Donald Koon beware he is a scammer and scammed be out of 18k then blocked me. Then I had someone contact me that he scammed 22k out of. Beware of Donald Koon of Trenton NJ



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Woah. How?

He told me he was a Major in the US Army stationed in Beirut and long story short he said he saved a girl from kidnapping and this girls father paid him 9 million dollars worth of jewels & Gold. He is a master manipulator then I get a call from a man named Joe that Joe gave him 22k and Donald Koon put my name down as his relative and a guarantor which I don’t even know Donald Koon just meant him on this app.
It it long and complicated I have filled a complaint with the FBI, US Army, UK government and the Federal Trade commission. I hope he gets caught!

This Joe guy gave him 22k for some printers for his business and that was half and when he received half he would sent the printers well guess what Donald never sent them

An addict vs an alcoholic who would be the best scammer, and who would fall for it?

Hope no one that that to seriously

What are you trying to say here?

The disease is always cunning, baffling and powerful 

Dãmn, I'm in the wrong business.

How's your sobriety?

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I am 10 plus year sober so my soberity is good and no you are not in the wrong business why would you want to take advantage of people or have someone do that to you or your loved ones. I asked all the right questions and got manipulated by a master! Which thank goodness I took hundreds of screenshots of our conversation S I just don’t want it to happen to someone else

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I was kidding about being in the wrong business.

And I thought it weird that your only post is of some unknowns scams.

sorry, you should report that son of a bi**ch to the police


I have
And such a disgrace to the military, for all the honest men and women that are serving, there is a special place in he!! For him

I deleted my account once about 4 months ago but I looked to see if he was on here so I got back on to warn people

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Congratulations on so many 24 hours of sobriety by the way!!!

So sorry to hear that

Sorry to hear about this!

Was it the scam where the person claims to have a sum of millions of dollars but can’t claim it until they receive an amount of 10s of thousands of dollars? I don’t know the Donald guy but I know of the scam.

Talk about the details so others can be aware when a similar scam under a different name comes up.

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It went something like that. He said he was a Major in the army and stopped a kidnapping and was gifted 9 million dollars in gold and metals and since he was in special operations he couldn’t have access to any of his money sent me an email stating he would pay me back when he got back in the states. Sent me picture of him in uniform. Friended me on FB. Friended me on LinkedIn.
Then he sent me a fradulant check and that is when he ghosted me. I met him on this platform. So beware! Not everyone on here has good intentions