I'm a new user of this and this is my first post/ask for advice. I'm on day 6 of my recent quitting and today has been a particularly lousy and difficult day. For the past 3 hours I can't get out of my head that every one of these endless liquor stores I pass has the solution to me not feeling this odd sudden depression I can't seem to shake. I don't have any immediate support group or anyone to talk to right now so that is not an option. Any advice appreciated
Hi Brother. You've taken the correct measure already by simply reaching out. We all have that voice telling us using is the solution to everything. Believe me when I say that voice is a liar and always will be. Thoughts are just thoughts. You do not have to act on them. You will get stronger, better, wiser and healthier. You decided to get clean and sober whether you know it or not because you have a much bigger purpose. Trust me. I spent well over half of my life using and drinking. Sober and clean now over 7 years. It can be done and you will do it because you have been chosen to do it. Reach out whenever for whatever reason. Hope this helps
It does. Thanks you.
Are you attending AA meetings? If not I suggest you do. If you work a program things will get better but you will go thru the motions early on.
The feeling of needing to use is temporary, but it is difficult. By letting it pass you will be stronger mentally and be able to feel better about yourself. Remember that you will not be happy unless you commit to working on yourself. Take it a day at a time, an hour at a time.
Thanks man. I'm working through it hour by hour. Got kicked in the gut today a little. (Someone stole my golf clubs. Not the end of the world but it's one of my passions that keeps me healthier and exercising and not drinking so it has taken a mental toll on me today as its on my 6th day of trying to quit again) Then I accidentally dropped my phone and smashed the screen just to add insult to injury. Just have to get through one more hour and the stores will be closed and I will go to bed I hopefully can wake up with a victory
And I really do appreciate the feedback from you all. It was the help I needed for the night. I'll get it done
Just keep going.... Keep taking it day by day. I'm struggling myself here but it's the only way... Moving forward , living in the present, and reminding yourself that you did it yesterday so you already know it's possible to do it again today
When this was me someone said “Move a muscle, change your mind.” Which basically means stay busy. If you’re working on something or working out or doing a small project/hobby then it helps you work out/work through/get past those emotions. A lot of the feelings are intense because you haven’t felt them in so long but in 6 months of sobriety the same situations won’t feel as intense and when you do feel intense emotions you’ll have a better coping strategy for them.
I agree with everyone that has replied! We are here for you! Meetings seemed to really help me and finding a sponsor asap. You did the right thing by reaching out! We are all in this together!
Praying helps a lot🙌🏿
Hang in there
Hey man - I’m a little late to the part but I agree with everything said. Definitely start hitting as many meetings as you can (preferably in person) and try to get a sponsor to begin working the Steps. Looking forward to hearing you report back about making it to Day 7!
Hi Brian happy you’re here. I’m just starting with the online community. And it’s helping me. Just by checking in. And the people are really nice and supportive.
Congratulations Brian. We are glad you were here. We understand how hard it is. We have all been there.
Have you heard of the phrase Move a Muscle change of thought???
You're right. a workout helped me get through. I think that will be a big part of my picture as it was what gave me my greatest success when 3 years quit in the past. Just needed the reminder and have to stay consistent to get that momentum going again to help me
Thanks again for the posts. Got through the night on a mediocre tough day. I will use that for future days that are actually difficult.