Im a recovering addict going to school now at 52

It’s never to late :blush: I’m also back in school and I’m hoping that some of my insecurities will slowly fade having some good teachers helps keep climbing :person_climbing: :pray:t3::heart:


I'm in school for the first time in over 20 years, and it was terrifying at first. I pay attention, take good notes, and ask lots of questions. The only stupid question is the question that goes unasked. I've learned that whenever I have a question, that there are others thinking the same thing. I swallow my pride and ask the questions now. That's something I'd never have done in the past. I have to trust God's plan for me, and keep doing the next right thing, and the payout is a life beyond my wildest dreams.

If I could recommend one thing that's been a huge help, and that would be AA and diving head first into the 12 step program of action. It was funny, after my meeting yesterday I was scrolling through my phone looking for a text message from the morning, and I had to scroll through about 20 different conversations. :rofl: At the end, when I was isolating there were none. I had isolated myself from everything and everyone out of fear. That's exactly where my disease wants me!! Alone, isolated, and afraid.

When I trust God, the fear becomes manageable. You don't have to trust everyone you meet, but I trust my friends in recovery until they give me a reason not to trust them. Then I simply cut ties with them and move on, like most civilized human beings do naturally. :man_shrugging:t2::rofl: It takes work, but I wouldn't trade my life for the world. Not even for a time machine to go back to my teens for a "do over". That's new for me too, I lived with such regret that I always wanted to go back and change the past.


55 is the new 18 without drugs and alcohol!!!


Awesome !!


Easy Does It on Jet Wing is a great AA group and not far from you



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That's great I am 46 and going to online college courses

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Good Morning Dee Anna,
It takes time and I have trust issues as well. I suggest from experience, it will all fall into place on “life terms.”

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How are doing today ??

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Hi, so sorry my attention went to the hurricane

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God bless you on your journey. :pray::two_hearts:

God bless you as well dear heart. :pray::two_hearts:

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