Im fresh out of treatment and I have a partner

Im fresh out of treatment and I have a partner who is still using and it is killing me to see her hurting herself. I'm afraid of losing her to drugs as I have so many other friends and girlfriends in the past. She sais that she is going to do treatment but you all know :thinking: how that goes. One excuse after another. I know I can't be too forceful about it but it is so hard to see her this way now.I don't even want to be around her when she is high but I still love her as I was that person too. What should I do?

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If she isn't ready for treatment that sucks. But remember your will power is only going to take you so far if you stay in the environment. :sunglasses:

You can lead a horse to the water but it's up to them to drink it.

Thanks Autumn I know what I have to do I'm just afraid that I won't find someone else who can be intimate with me. I guess I'm being selfish if I stay with her it will only hurt us both in the long run.Thanks for pointing out the obvious I'm going to tell her that we are two different people now and I'm sorry :disappointed: but if she ever decides to get help then she will understand and maybe things could be different,I can't risk losing everything I have accomplished so far!....

I can only imagine how hard it must be sometimes especially being fresh out of treatment it won’t get any easier you have to tell her how you feel but be gentle I hope everything works out :sparkles::pray:t3:

You just keep on keeping on and if she is true to you she will see the light and come around hopefully. Make your light is bright enough to show the way and if it isn't bright enough you might have to leave her in the dark , don't blind her with it but shine it in her eyes every once in a while

When I was in high school I worked as a lifeguard. I learned about double drownings. It happens when one person in the water gets in trouble. Someone watching, but untrained, jumps in and tries to help. The person who was drowning first will try anything to get to the surface, including standing on the head of the would be rescuer. Now you have two victims. When making the save, go to the original victim first. There is a chance that the second person can swim. Either way, call for backup.


Don't put yourself in a position where you might relapse. Her recovery is her responsibility. Keep encouraging her to get help but not at your expense.

“If you hang out in the pig sty, you’re going to get muddy.”
I hope you can set a strong boundary and protect your sobriety.

:rofl: never heard it been put that way before, thanks for the advice I will make sure I remember those words of wisdom :+1: