I'm getting closer to a major sobriety milestone

I survived the day. One day at a time, I'm getting closer to my sobriety anniversary.

Yet I only have today.

Once again, God came through by providing me with my daily bread. I know what I want. He knows what I need.

For fear of making Him laugh, I dare not tell Him what my plans are. Instead, I ask Him to reveal His plans for me.


Thanks beautiful, congratulations :clap::pray::two_hearts::wilted_flower:

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Thank you, that means a lot.
I do it for you all. To show you that it is possible.

You're at 1 month and 4 days. You can do it. It's not going to be easy however if you work for it and invest in it the payoff and rewards will be amazing.

Just for today and sometimes just for the moment! :facepunch:

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@crissy267894 FACTS