Im having alcohol cravings right now. I’m tempted to go

Im having alcohol cravings right now. I’m tempted to go out. I have been super lonely but I know if I go out I won’t be surrounded by the best people. I want to get rid of these cravings!


Get to an AA meeting ASAP and listen to someone else's story.

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I suggest you Call another alcoholic. Do you have a sponsor? Sometimes one day at a time is sufficient, we have to work at staying sober an hour at a time , even a minute at a time and that's OK .. You are not alone !

"God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, courage to change the things I can, and wisdom to know the difference. Thy will, not mine, be done." Amen

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Don’t give in. You did the right thing to let your feelings out. You’re absolutely right in your belief that you won’t have the “best people” around you out there. You will find them here, however, and at meetings. Call another recovering alcoholic if you can and get to a meeting as well. Most importantly, know that this feeling will pass, and that no matter what, you do not have to drink.

Have some dark chocolate, it eases the physical cravings. Your brain at day 8 is freeking out without alcohol, it’s normal and it will pass. Like Taylor said it really is imperative to be around others in the same boat as you are. The people that have sobriety will share similar stories and show you the way to get through it if your willing to follow. I suggest getting to a meeting of recovery

I say to myself maybe later I’ll run out and get it. Just enjoy my moment and find happiness in what I’m doing. Feel what you need to feel but don’t dwell or fester. It passes and before you know it another day:night has passed. I’m here for you and we do it together.

Think it through call someone AA

I can empathize with your situation. It's college night on Thursday and the bars are quite tempting. But if your situation is anything like mine, it's usually the same people out (likely terrible influences) and beginning a bender will lead to likely regret, but at least disappointment in yourself and probably a blackout....or at least a hangover. Hopefully you have meditated on this and see that those shenanigans aren't worth sacrificing your 8 day sobriety streak. Stay strong. It gets better and there is nothing good that comes from relapsing's just temporary relief that makes rehabilitation ultimately harder down the road. Wish you strength and love.